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Microsoft are rolling out new features and changes to the Microsoft 365 services frequently.

Project for the Web Integration in Viva Goals
- Roadmap ID: 117462
- April 2023
Viva Goals, meet Project for the Web. Project for the Web, meet Viva Goals. Now tasks can ladder up and into your OKRs. Integrations in Viva Goals help save time and energy by automatically updating your key results and projects. Data flows from Project into Goals so that results and initiatives are up to date.

Microsoft Viva: Mobile SharePoint site navigation
- Roadmap ID: 117527
- April 2023
This allows Viva connections mobile users to browse and reach SharePoint sites - both hub site and regular site navigation in Viva Connections – aka, easy access to browse other sites, reducing overall friction. Viva Connections is your gateway to the overall employee experience - now more inclusive to the rest of your SharePoint-based intranet.

Graph Connector Content Results Experience Switches to Results Inline in All Vertical
- Roadmap ID: 115489
- April 2023
You will soon see Graph Connector results merged inline in the All vertical on SharePoint (organization level) and This means that your users will see Graph Connector results from their other apps & services seamlessly alongside Microsoft content -- instead of the current result cluster experience which is bound to a fixed place in the middle of the page.

eDiscovery (Premium) Records Management – Discover the document version that has been shared (GA)
- Roadmap ID: 70580
- April 2023
To help meet regulatory obligations for retention and eDiscovery of shared content in your organization, eDiscovery (Premium) now supports the ability to discover the version of the document at the time that it was shared. This is facilitated by a new Records Management capability that enables you to automatically apply retention labels and retain the version of files shared as cloud attachments in email via Exchange and chat via Teams.

Microsoft Lists: Applied filters
- Roadmap ID: 117585
- April 2023
No more mystery about how your list is filtered. Microsoft Lists is rolling out a new way to visualize and clear the filters that are present in a view. As you add and adjust filters to narrow or expand what appears in the current list view, you'll now see which filters have been applied. And you can remove them, too - all without going back into the column filter pane. You do this now in the top-left portion of the list.

Microsoft Loop: Switching to new .loop extension file type
- Roadmap ID: N/A
- April 2023
Not only do we here at The Intrazone want to keep you in the loop, we, too, want to let you know that Loop is becoming even more loopy as it adopts a new file suffix: .loop. Loop components and pages will switch from using the .fluid extension to the .loop extension, to align with the Microsoft Loop brand.

New Files app experience in Teams
- Roadmap ID: 97677
- April 2023
Securely store, organize, and collaborate on all your files anytime, from anywhere and across all of your devices with the new files app experience in Teams. The new files app brings a modern experience to all of your content from your chats, channels or meetings including any location from OneDrive or SharePoint.

SharePoint: Create Pages and News from the SharePoint app bar
- Roadmap ID: 98143
- April 2023
With this update, you will be able to start creating pages and news as an action from the SharePoint app bar. This means that no matter where you are in SharePoint, jump right in and starting creating and communicating -- staying in the flow of work.